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Three Sons (CV Manual, Reader)

The Tale of Three Sons – vişĕ yvăl
vişĕ yvăl
    ĕlĕk pĕr pujan şyn pulnă. unăn vişĕ yvăl pulnă. temişe pin puş shultra vyljăh pulnă, temĕn chuhlĕ vak vyljăh pulnă. pĕrr şapla şav starik lashisene shăvarna annă. lashisem pĕri te ĕşmen. starik kalană: "kĕsem mĕshĕn ĕşmeşşĕ, shyvra pĕr pĕr japala şuk-i?" tese shyva vyrtsa păhnă. şapla păhnă chuh suhaltan jană tytnă. starik kalană: "jar, pĕr karta kasha sana pultăr" tenĕ. şapah jaman. untan starik kalană: "pĕr karta ĕne pul sana" tenĕ. vutăsh şapah jaman.untan satik kalană: "vişĕ yvăltan pĕri sana" tenĕ te jană.
    starik vara pit hujhăra puşlană. starik kilne pynă ta pürtne kĕmen tultah hujhărsa larnă. aslă ivălĕ tuhnă ta "atja, atte, şime" tenĕ. ashshĕ kalană: "pajan mana pysăk hujhă pulchĕ. lasha shăvarma karăm ta lashasem shyv ĕşmenten "shyvra mĕn pur" tese vyrtsa păhrăm. şavăn chuh suhaltan titră ta vutăsh ni-pe te jamaschĕ. "şurri vyljăhăma parăp, jar" terĕm, şapah jamarĕ. "vişĕ yvăltan pĕri sana" terĕm te tin jachĕ. esĕ kajăn-i?" tenĕ. yvălĕ kalană: "hăvah kaj" tenĕ te kĕrse kajnă. starik putjeh hujhărsa julnă.
    vătalăh yvălĕ kalană: "epĕ ilse kĕrĕp attene" tenĕ. untan ashshĕ patne pynă ta, "atja, atte, şime" tenĕ. ashshĕ kalană: "pajan mana şapa hujhă pulchĕ" tenĕ. yvălĕ kalană: "hăvah kaj" tenĕ.
    unta kĕşĕn yvălĕ tuhnă ta, "atja, atte, şime mĕshĕn hujhăratăn?" tenĕ. ashshĕ kalană: "mana pajan şapla şapla pulchĕ. esĕ kajăn-i?" tenĕ. yvălĕ kalană: "kajas, atte, esĕ kirek ăşta jarsan ta kajăp" tenĕ. ashshĕ vara şime kĕnĕ. şise tăransan kĕşĕn yvălĕ kalană: "haleh kajmalla-i?" tenĕ. ashshĕ: "haleh kajmalla" tenĕ. yvălĕ kalană: "atte, sănchăr jĕven tutarsa kil" tenĕ. ashshĕ vara sănchăr jĕvene tutarsa kilse pană.
    yvălĕ jĕvene ilnĕ te kartana lasha tytma kajnă. jĕvene yvătnă ta pĕr sară kărchankălă lasha puşne chiknĕ. vara şavna tytsa utlannă. ta şemjisene prushetsă tusa tuhsa kajnă. hire tuhsan lashine kalană: "atja, pirvaj pĕtĕm Raşeje kursa şürer" tenĕ.
    şüresen şüresen pĕr vătăr hălaş şavrănakan juman patne şitnĕ. şav jumana kassa vaklană. untan vut hursa lashine vutpa şuntarsa hyrsa şusa tasatnă, lashi vara yrarma şuk hitrelense kajnă. untan lashine kalană: "şüle kajar-i je şĕre kajari?" tenĕ. lashi kalană: "şĕre kajchchen şüle Tură patne kajsan avantarah pulĕ" tenĕ. untan vara şüle Tură patne ulăhsa kajnă.
    şülte şüresen şüresen pĕr starik patne pynă ta, "esĕ mana tarşa tytman-shi?" tenĕ. starik kalană: "manăn vişĕ hĕr pur, şavsene hăhĕ asli hăshĕ kĕşĕnni şavsene pallama tytăp" tenĕ. untan vara şavsene pallama kĕrshnĕ.
    hĕrĕsem vişĕshĕ te pĕr pek pĕr tĕslĕ pulnă. starik achana kalană: "lashuna kajsa şime parsa kil, epĕ hĕrsene kürtse tăratăp" tenĕ. acha lashi patne pyrsan lashinchen yjtnă: "huşa aslă hĕrne pallama hushat. jeple pĕles, purte pĕr pek?" tenĕ. lashi kalană: "aslin puşe patĕnchen şimĕl shăna irtse kajĕ, şavna as tu" tenĕ. untan acha hĕrsem patne pynă ta păhsa tănă. chănfh pĕr shăna vĕşşe irtse kajnă. vara acha: "ak şakă" tenĕ. starik kalană: "şavă pallarăn" tenĕ.
    untan tepĕr vătalăhne pallamalla pulnă. acha tatah lashi patne pynă ta kalană: "pajan vătalăh hĕrne pĕlmelle, jeple pĕles?" tenĕ. lashi kalană: "pilĕk tĕlĕnchen shăna vĕşşe irtse kajĕ, şavă pulĕ vătalăhĕ" tenĕ. untan acha hĕrsene pallama pyrsan păhsa tănă. chănah ta pĕr shăna pĕrin pilĕke tĕlĕnchen vĕşşe kajnă. acha kalană: "akă şak pulĕ vătalăhĕ" tenĕ. starik kalană: "şavă pĕltĕn" tenĕ. "yran kĕşĕnnine pallama kil" tenĕ. acha kajsa şyvărnă.
    irhine tărsan acha pirvaj lashi patne pyrsa lashine kalană: "pajan kĕşĕn hĕrne jeple pallas?" tenĕ. lashi kalană: "pĕrin uri pichĕ shăna pyrsa larĕ, şavna as tu" tenĕ.
    vara acha hĕrsene pallama pynă ta păhsa tănă. chănah ta pĕr shăna pĕrin uri pichĕ şine pyrsa larnă. untan acha kalană: "ak şakă kĕşĕnni" tenĕ. starik "pallarăn" tenĕ. untan starik kalană: "esĕ purne te pallarăn. ĕntĕ tata pytaram, tjpajăni? tenĕ. acha kalană: "tupăr" tenĕ.
    acha lashi patne kajsan starik hĕrĕsene pytarnă. acha lashinchen yjtnă: "pajan hĕrĕsene pytarat, mana tupma hushat, jeple tupas?" tenĕ. lashi kalană: "esĕ pĕr lupashkara vişĕ panulmi jyvăşi tĕl pulăn. vĕsen ulmisem şĕrelle usănsa larĕş. esĕ kashnin şinchen pĕrer ulma tatsa il te "akă mana Tură ulma pachĕ, epĕ pajan kunĕpe panulmi şise Tură hĕrĕsene shyrasa şürĕp" tese kala, vara vĕsem kulsa jarĕş cătajmasăr" tenĕ.
    untan vara acha Tură hĕresene shyrama tajnă. shyrasa şürenĕ chuh pĕr lupashkana pyrsa kĕnĕ. şav lupashkara chănah ta vişĕ panulmi jyvaşi larnă. ulmisem şĕrelle usăna larnă. acha pynă ta kashnin şininchen pĕrer ulma tatsa ilnĕ te kalană: "akă mana Tură ulma pachĕ. epĕ pajan kunĕpe ulma şije şije Tură hĕrĕsene shyrasa şürĕp" tenĕ. şavna iltsen Tură hĕrĕsem chătajmasăr kulsa jană. vara şapla tupsa tavrănnă.
    untan Tură achana kalană: "esĕ man hĕrsene pallarăn ta pytantartăm shyrasa tuprăn. halĕ hu pytan lashu patne kajsa vĕsem sana shyrasa tupajăshi" tenĕ.
    acha lashi patne pynă ta lashine kalană: "Tură mana hama pytanma hushat, ăşta pytanas?" tenĕ. lashi kalană: "hamăn syltăm hălha shătăkne kĕr" tenĕ. acha vara lashi hălha shătăkne kĕrse larnă. untan Tură hĕrĕsene kalană: "kajsa shyrăr, pytanche" tenĕ. hĕrĕsem lasha patne pynă ta shyra puşlană anchah tupajman. hĕrsem ashshĕ patne pyrsan ashshĕ kalană: "tuprăr-i?" tenĕ. hĕrĕsem: "şuk, tupajmarămăr" tenĕ. ashshĕ kalană: "hăvăr Tură hĕrĕsem ahal şynna ta shyrasa tupajmastăr, văl sire pallarĕ te shyrasa ta tuprĕ tenĕ.
    acha lasha hălhi shătăkenchen tuhsa Tură patne pyrsa tănă ta Tură ăna kalană: "nu esĕ manăn hĕrsene hăshĕ asli hăshĕ kĕşĕnnine pĕltĕn, pytannă şĕrten tuprăn. sana ĕntĕ kĕrü tăvas pulĕ. hăshne ilen?" tenĕ. acha kalană: "kĕsĕnnine" tenĕ. Tură vara ikĕshĕne măshărlasa jană.
    purănsan purănsan Tură kĕrüshne kalană: "kus hire kajsa kajăk tytsa kil" tenĕ. kĕrüshĕ lashine utlannă ta hire kajnă. hirte lashine kalană: "atja, lesh tĕnchene ansa kurar" tenĕ. lashi, "atja" tenĕ. vara vĕsem annă ta hăjĕn ashshĕ kilne pynă. şemjisem purte şyvărnă. văl pur şemjisene te chup tusa tuhnă ta kalleh şüle ulăhnă. şemjisem pĕri te sismen.
    Tură kĕrüshne pyrsan kalană: "mĕshĕn nummaj şürerĕn?" tenĕ. kĕrüshĕ kalană: "inşĕ karăm, şavanpa chas kilemerĕm" tenĕ.
    tepĕr kun kalleh kajăkra jană kĕrüshne. kĕrüshĕ hire tuhan lashine kalană: "atja tatah ansa kurar" tenĕ. vara vĕsem şak tĕnchene annă. ashshĕ kilne pynă ta vĕsem kalleh şyvărnă tĕle pulnă. văl tatah şemjsene chup tună ta kalleh şülti tĕnchene ulăhnă.
    şavăn chuh arămĕ hăjne chup tunine kăsht sisnĕ pek pulsa julnă. irhine tărsan "mana mĕsker chup tăvat" tese jumăşa kajnă. jumăş karchăkĕ kalană: ku hăvăn upăshku sana kilse chup tăvat. esĕ ăna syhla, an şyvăr, tytta an jar, văl sana tempek jălănnĕ. jarsan ülĕmren kurajmăn" tenĕ.
    arămĕ tepĕr kaş şyvărmasăr syhlasa vyrtnă. untan tepĕr kun Tură kĕrüshne tatah kajăka jană. kĕrüshĕ hire tuhsan lashine, "atja tatah ansa kurar" tenĕ. lashi kalană: "şuk tek anmăpăr, ansan san tytaşşĕ, esĕ hătălajmastăn" tenĕ. acha şapah anashshăn pulnă. şapla vĕsem numachen tavlashsha tănă. anchah acha lashi kalanine itlemen. lashi kalană: "atja epir anar, as tu sana arămu tytĕ, esĕ kakniput vĕserĕnme hătlan. epĕ vişĕ huchen kĕşenep. esĕ tuhsa ĕlkĕrejmesen vara mana tekeh kurajmăn" tenĕ.
    vara vĕsem ansa ashshĕ kilne pynă. pyrsan văl kalleh chup tăva puşlană. un chuhne arămĕ syhlasa vyrtnă. văl arămne chup tună chuh arămĕ jană tytnă. upăshki arămne jălăna puşlană. lashi kĕşense jană. untan hytărah jălăna puşlană. şapah jaman arămĕ. lashi tatah kĕşense janăta pĕtĕm pürt chĕtrese kajnă. untan tatah arămne kalană: "jar, epĕ nişta ta kajmastăp, tula tuhsa kĕrem" tenĕ. arămĕ şapah jaman. lashi vişĕmĕsh hut kĕşennĕ te vara tapransa kajnă ta şĕr chĕtrese julnă.
    untan lashi Tură patne pyrsan Tură lasha şynsăr pynine kursan lashana kalană: "esĕ şynna ăşta hutăn?" tenĕ. "ăna lesh tĕnchere arămĕ tytsa julchĕ, unăn lesh tĕnchere arămĕ pur. epĕ temtĕrlĕ kajas mar terĕm, văl şapah itlemerĕ" tenĕ. Tură kalană: "esir tavlashnine kam ta pulsa kurchĕ-i?" tenĕ. lasha kalană: "epir tavlashnine şăltăr ujăh hĕvel kurchĕ" tenĕ. untan Tură şăltăra ujăha hĕvele chĕnternĕ te "esir kurăr-i?" tese yjtnă. leshsem, "kurtămăr: lasha kajmasăr nummaj tavlashsha tăchĕ te kĕrĕvĕ itlemerĕ" tenĕ. untan Tură şilense ku tĕncheri şynsene kalană: "manăn hĕre tălăha hăvarnashăn upăshki vilse arămĕ tălăha jultăr, arămĕ vilse upăshki tălăha jultăr, ashshĕ amăshĕ vilse achi păchi tălăha jultăr achi păchi vilse ashshĕ amăshĕ tălăha jultăr" tenĕ.
    şavănpa halĕ şapla pulat, teşşĕ.
The Three Sons (translation)
    Once upon a time there was a rich man. He had three sons (and) three daughters-in-law. He had some thousand head of large livestock, and such a number of small livestock. Once then this old man went-down to water his horses. His horses not a one had drunk. The old man said: “Why do they not drink? Is there not something in the water?“ Saying (this) he lay and watched the water. When he was watching thus (“at his thus-watching time“), he was seized by the beard. The old man said: “Let go, a herd of horses be yours!“ he said. He did not release him. The water-sprite said: “Give your own loved one! I shall let go,“ he said. The old man said: “A herd of cows be yours“ he said. The water-sprite did not release that-one. Thereupon the old man said: “One from my three sons (be) yours.“ When he said that the water-sprite let go.
    The old man then began suffering greatly. The old man went to his house and not entering his main-room sat sorrowing outside. The eldest son emerged and said: “Come on, father, food.“ His father said: “Today great misfortune befell me (was to me). I went to water the horses and saying, owing to the horses‘ not drinking water, ‘something is in the water,‘ I lay and watched. At this time the water-sprite seized (me) by the beard and did not let go for nothing (‘with nothing‘ = not at all). ‘I‘ll give the half of my livestock; let go!‘ I said, he did not release me. ‘One of my three sons is yours‘ I said, only then did he release ( not until I said so and so did he release). Will you go?“ he said. His son said: “Go yourself,“ and when he said that, he went in. The old man continued then sorrowing.
    The middle son said: “I will take father and enter“ he said. Then he went to his father. “Come on, father, food!“ he said. His father said: “Today such and such a mishap occurred“ he said. His son said: “Go yourself,“ he said.
    Then his youngest son came out. “Come on, father, food, why are you sorrowing?“ he said. His father said: “Today such and such happened to me. Will you go?“ he said. His son said: “I will go (‘there will be a going‘), father, I shall go when you send me wherever“ he said. ( I shall go wherever you send me. ) His father then came in to eat. When he, eating, had eaten his fill, his youngest son said: “Must one go now?“ he said. His father: “One must go now“ he said. His son said: “Father, go and have made a bridle chain.“ he said. His father then had a bridle chain made and carne and gave (it to him).
    His son took the bridle and went to catch a horse in the herd (‘went to the herd for horse-catching‘). He cast his bridle and a mangy bay horse came and inserted his head, Then seizing him he mounted and taking leave of the family members went out. When he came out onto the field, he said to the horse: “Weil, let us first travel and see all Russia.“ he said.
    They travelled and travailed and arrived at an oak which was thirty fathoms going around (in circumference). He felled this oak and chopped it up (into small pieces). Then making a fire, he burned (branded?) his horse with fire, scraped, washed and cleaned it. His horse then came to be incomparably beautiful. Then he said to his horse: “Shall we go on high or shall we go on the earth?“ he said. His horse said: “Before going on the earth, it will be better when we go towards God on high“ he said. Thereupon he ascended to God on high.
    After wandering and wandering above he came towards an old man. “Will you take me as servant?“ he said. The old man said: “There is no work at all for me to take a servant (‘for my servant-taking there is no work‘)“ he said. Then he said: “I have three daughters; I shall hire you for recognizing them, the which is the eldest, and the which is the youngest of them“ he said. Thereupon he hired himself out then for recognizing them.
    His daughters, the three of them, were completely of one kind. The old man said to the boy: “Go to your horse, give him to eat, and come. I shall bring in the daughters and stand (them on display)“ he said. When the boy went towards his horse, he inquired of his horse: “The master orders the recognizing of his eldest girl. How to know? all (are) alike.“ he said. His horse said: “There will go past a fly on the side of the eldest one‘s head; mark her (pay heed to her)“ he said. Then the boy went towards the girls, and stood and watched. In truth, a fly went flying past. Then the boy: “Lo, this one!“ he said. The old man said: “You have recognized her“ he said.
    Then the next day his middle one was to be recognized. The boy again went towards his horse and said: “Today his middle girl must be known; how to know?“ he said. His horse said: “There will go flying past from the area of her waist a fly. This one will be the middle one“ he said. Then when the boy went to recognize the girls, he stopped and watched. In truth a fly was flying around the waist of one. The boy said: “Lo, this one will be the middle one“ he said. The old man said: “You have known her“ he said. Then he said to the boy: “Come back, after going and rest now“ (= go and rest now, then come back) he said. “Tomorrow come to recognize the youngest one“ he said. The boy went and slept.
    When he got up in the morning, the boy at first went to his horse and said to his horse: “Today how to know the youngest girl?‘ he said. His horse said: “A fly will be going on the side of the one‘s foot. Mark that one“ he said.
    Then the boy went to recognize the girls, stood and watched. Forsooth, a fly sat and went on the side of the leg of one, Then the boy said: “Lo, this one is the youngest“ he said. The old man: “You have recognized (her)“ he said. Then the old man said: “You have recognized all. Now then let me hide (them); will you be able to find (them)?“ he said. The boy said: “I shall find“ he said.
    When the boy went to his horse, the old man hid the girls. The boy inquired of his horse: “Today he is hiding his girls; he orders me to find; how to find?“ he said. His horse said: “You will be at a spot in a valley with three apple trees. Their apples will stand hanging towards the ground. You take and pick one apple from off each of them, and speak, saying ‘Lo, God has given me apples; I shall travel seeking the god-daughters and eating apples all day today.‘ Then they will let go laughing (= burst out laughing) without restraining (it)“ he said.
    Thereupon the boy went to seek then God‘s daughters. When he travelled seeking, he went and entered a valley. In this valley indeed dwelt three apple trees. Their apples sat hanging and hanging towards the ground. The boy went and taking and picking one apple from off each, said: “Lo, God has given me apples. I shall go seeking the god-girls eating and eating apples all day today“ he said. When they heard this, the god.-girls were unable to restrain (it) and broke out laughing. Then having found them thus he returned.
    The God said to the boy: “You have recognized my daughters and you have searched and found what I have caused to be hidden. Now you yourself hide, and go to your horse. Will one be able to search and find you?“ he said. The boy went to his horse and said to his horse: “God wants me to hide myself; how to be hidden?“ he said. His horse said: “Enter the hole of my own right ear.“ The boy then sat having entered the earhole of his horse (his horse‘s earhole). Then God said to the girls: “Go and search, he has hidden (himself).“ he said. The girls went toward the horse and began searching, however, did not find. When the girls went to their father, their father said: “Did ye find?“ he said. His girls: “No, we did not find“ they said. Their father said: “You, God‘s girls, are unable to Lind a man and search in vain. He recognized and searched and found you“ he said.
    The boy emerged from his horse‘s ear and going to God stood. God said to him: “Well, you have known which is the eldest and which is the youngest of my girls. You have found their hiding (‘hidden‘) place. Now you will be made son-in-law. Which one will you take?“ he said. The boy said: “The youngest“ he said. God then paired off ( married) the two.
    They lived and lived (= after living quite a while) and God said to his son.-in-law: “Return, having gone to the field and caught game, come“ ( Go to the fields and catch game and then return) he said. His son-in-law mounted his horse and went to the fields. On the field he said to his horse: “Well, let‘s us go down and look at the other world“ he said. His horse “let‘s go“ he said. Then they went down and he went in his own father‘s house. His family members all slept. He kissed all the family members and went out and again ascended on high. Not one of his family members noticed.
    God went and said to his son-in-law: “Why did you travel so much?“ he said. His son-in-law said: “I went afar, because of this I did not come quickly“ he said.
    The next day again he sent his son-in-law for game. When his son-in-law went out on the field, he said to his horse: “Well, let‘s go down and see again“ he said. Then they descended to this world. He went in his father‘s house, and it was a place where they slept again (= there they were all sleeping again). He again kissed the family members and again ascended to the world in the heights.
    At this time his wife continued to be like one who felt herself a bit having been kissed (literal). When she arose in the morning: “What sort of person kisses me?“ she said and went to a fortune-teller. The fortune-teller lady said: “This your own husband comes and kisses you. You watch him, don‘t go to sleep, hold (him) and don‘t let go; however much he pleaded. If (when) you release, you will not see (him) in the future“ she said.
    His wife the next night lay and watched without sleeping. Then the next day God again sent his son-in-law for game. When his son-in-law had gone onto the field, to his horse: “Well, let‘s go down and see again“ he said. His horse said: “We are not going down any more, when we go down, they will catch you. You will be unable to save yourself“ he said. The boy was for going down to there (wanted to go down there). Thus they stood struggling for a long time. However, the boy did not obey what his horse had said. His horse said: “Well, let‘s go down, pay heed; your wife will seize you, you try somehow to unfasten yourself. I shall whinny three times. If (when) you are unable to get to come out, then you will be unable to see me any more“ he said.
    Then they descended and went to his father‘s house. When they went, he again began to kiss. At that time, his wife lay watching. When he kissed his wife, his wife seized him. Her husband began pleading with his wife. His horse began to whinny. Then he began to plead more strongly; his wife did not release him; his horse again began to whinny, and the whole house went and quivered. Then again he said to his wife: “Let go. I will not go anywhere; after going outside, I enter“ he said. His wife did not let him go. His horse whinnid a third time and then went and moved, shaking the earth continuously.
    Then when his horse went to God, when He saw the horse‘s coming manless, He said to the horse: “Where did you leave the man?“ he said. “His wife continues to hold him in the other world; he has a wife in the other world. I said I will not go at all, he did not obey that“ he said. God said: “Who was there who saw your struggling?“ he said. The horse said: “The stars, moon and sun saw our struggling“ he said. Then God had invited ( summoned) the stars, moon and sun. “Did you see“ he said and asked. They: “We saw: the horse stood struggling greatly without going; the (your) son-in-law did not obey“ they said. Then God grew angry and said to the men of this world: “For my daughters being left as widows, husbands dying, let their wives remain widows; wives dying, let their husbands remain widowers; parents dying, let children and kids remain orphans; children and kids dying, let parents remain bereaved (free)“ he said. For this reason it is now thus, they say.

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Last edited by: Chavash, 2006-03-26 12:58:24. Views 8203. This page has not been reviewed by administrators. The editing will be checked and corrected.

